About self-esteem

What is self-esteem and self-worth?

  • How you view yourself and the beliefs you hold about who you are

  • How you feel about yourself

  • How capable you believe you are

  • Having positive regard toward yourself and valuing your worth

  • Ability to have compassion for all parts of yourself

Do you resonate with any of the following?

  • Self-worth is attached to others’ opinion of you

  • People-pleasing in efforts to be liked, accepted, and connect with others

  • Focusing on others’ needs while neglecting your own

  • Feeling like you’re not good enough

  • Fearful of expressing yourself due to worry about upsetting others while ignoring or invalidating your own feelings or believing that your opinions are not valuable

  • Apologizing for things that you’re not responsible for

  • Difficulty setting boundaries

  • Feelings of sadness, worry, and self-doubt

What therapy for low self-worth can look like:

  • Explore the root causes of low self-worth

  • Learn how a negative self-image is formed and how it is maintained

  • Identify emotional triggers and wounds that are connected to reactions you have to different situations in life

  • Learn how your emotions communicate with you and how to develop a different relationship with them

  • Improve how you talk to yourself and how you treat yourself

  • Learn how to achieve a balanced view of yourself where you can respond to challenges with compassion instead of judgment, criticism, and blame

Whether you want to start a new relationship with yourself or strengthen the one you have, I can give you the tools to guide you

My experiences supporting others with strengthening their self-worth:

I have provided individual therapy to youth and adults for over 20 years guiding them toward building a secure sense of self.

I have also co-facilitated both girl's and women's self-esteem groups to help females connect with their authentic self and empower them in their lives.

“Pay attention to your insecurities, they are not there to taunt you, but to show you where to heal”
- Dr. Gabor Mate